20% Off TimTimTom Personalized Bilingual Books

Some of you may have been my post on Instagram for TimTimTom Books.

TimTimTom Books allows you to create personalized books for your child, with your choice of language(s).

Languages available include Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Chinese (Simplified or Traditional).

TimTimTom Books

Emilia with her personalized TimTimTom book in English and Italian

You customize the name, the look of the child, and can pick 1 or 2 languages.

Take a look at our book, Emilia dances Swan Lake, in English and Italian.

You can also personalize a message (see below for mine to Emilia).

There are 3 stories to choose from: a football/soccer story, a ballerina story, and an underwater adventure story.

TimTimTom Books

Add your name, your look, and your language to personalize your book!

From now until November 11, 2019, use promotion code XMAS20 on TimTimTom to receive 20% off your book order.

The holiday season is quickly approaching!

Language is so important, and being able to communicate more than one way is truly an invaluable gift. 

[Book was received complimentary for testing purposes. All reviews are my own.]

All my love,


The Middle Sister by Jesse Miles Giveaway

🕵️‍♂️GIVEAWAY. 🕵️‍♂️

I love a good thriller. A new detective novel, The Middle Sister, by author Jesse Miles gives readers an inside look into the darker side of Los Angeles. Being married to a homicide detective, The Middle Sister had me engaged from page one. The main character, private Detective Jack Salvo, is hired to find a wealthy woman’s daughter, Lillie. Salvo finds himself in a world of murder, arson, and blackmail. The Middle Sister is a fast-paced suspenseful read.

The Middle Sister 3D Book Cover

One person will win a copy of The Middle Sister by Jesse Miles.

To enter: Head over to Instagram and follow the directions on the post!

Happy Friday, and good luck!

Don’t want to wait? Order on Amazon (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/3196u30

5 Books for Parents to Be

Disclosure: This post contains Amazon affiliate links.

My sister purchased several best sellers for me to read before Emilia makes her debut in July. I always end my day snuggled in bed with my doTERRA Petal diffuser blasting lavender engrossed in a book. Reading has always had a calming effect on me. These are currently on my nightstand:

I Heart My Little A-Holes: A bunch of holy-crap moments no one ever told you about parenting by Karen Alpert

I finished this book in 3 days and laughed out loud almost every single page. It made me realize how my life is going to completely change in a few months. Kids are true blessings – but I know that this parenting ride may not always present with smooth sails. The author has a comical way of giving us soon-to-be parents a glimpse into reality.

The Baby Owner’s Manual: Operating Instructions, Trouble-Shooting Tips, and Advice on First-Year Maintenance (Owner’s and Instruction Manual) by Louis Borgenicht M.D and Joe Borgenicht

Another light-hearted, non-threatening read that I finished over the course of a week. It covers the basics, but with some new information that has changed since my babysitting and nannying days. It calls doctors “service providers,” which always gives me a good chuckle. This owner’s manual also helped me with a few things on my baby registry.

So That’s What They’re For!: The Definitive Breastfeeding Guide 3rd edition by Janet Tamaro

Breastfeeding. This is my take on breastfeeding; fed is best. I am hoping that Emilia and I both enjoy and have an easy breastfeeding experience. If not, formula it will be. I was a formula kid. So was my sister, husband, and sister-in-law. We all turned out somewhat normal. Our moms didn’t even attempt breastfeeding. I, on the other hand, would like to give it a try. Of course, like any new mom, I’m nervous, so this book is a great way to educate me on everything relating to breastfeeding in an informative, direct, conversational way.

Your Baby’s First Year For Dummies by James Gaylord, MD and Michelle Hagen

I love for Dummies books. It breaks everything down so simply and reviews every topic within the baby’s first year. I like how it has pictures (I’m a visual learner) and pediatrician recommendations that really helped me to formulate a plan when Emilia arrives. The book is extensive, so the index is super helpful when I want to read a specific topic.

Show Dad How (Parenting Magazine): The Brand-New Dad’s Guide to Baby’s First Year by Shawn Bean

Jason claims he has never been much of a reader so when my sister surprised him with this Show Dad How book, I got really excited because this is a very simple picture book to learn how to do basic things, like change a diaper. It provides comedic relief, as we all know, raising children does take a village.

bake bread

Book Review: Pantry and Palate: Remembering and Rediscovering Acadian Food by Simon Thibault

My husband and I are obsessed with eating local food and visiting Canada. At dinner last night, he mentioned that we should plan another trip there so that we know where to move when he retires (14.5 years and counting!) I never heard of Acadian cuisine but was excited and intrigued to learn more.

Enter Pantry and Palate: Remembering and Rediscovering Acadian Food by Simon Thibault. A cookbook into a history-lesson-slash-novel where I was wishing I was in his Grandmother’s kitchen cooking these delectable items right alongside her…Simon, you are so lucky to have had a Grandma who cooked and kept records! (And I commend your efforts of extensive research!)

A favorite line from Pantry and Palate: Remembering and Rediscovering Acadian Food:

“When talking about our favourite dishes, many of us start by saying that “My grandmother made,” or “My [insert family member] made,” and then talk about how those particular dishes were made in very particular ways.”

My mother has my Grandma’s meatball recipe. I know that my sister and I will fight over who gets the real handwritten version. I digress…


The first section of Pantry and Palate: Remembering and Rediscovering Acadian Food is Preserves in which I can’t wait to make his salted green onion recipe. I use scallions on my nacho platter and in all my soup recipes. This just sounds delicious and would be a great addition to my daily recipes.


The second chapter is for the Breadmaking folk. I have both a gluten and dairy intolerance, so the only place I make bread is with my clients at work. These recipes seem simple enough – so sometime this week I will gather ingredients I don’t have in my pantry (there is a nice segment on stocking your pantry in Pantry and Palate) and choose a lucky client to make delicious bread.

Lard encompasses the third chapter. I never worked with lard. I don’t know if I want to work with lard. Lard seems like something I rather read about then experiment with in my kitchen. Sorry, Simon!

Tȇte de Cochon is the next section. Simon, you are more than welcome to come to my home in New Jersey and give me private instruction on cooking a pig’s head! (That would make a really great YouTube video, I promise!) I appreciate the Acadian cuisine but am not this adventurous when it comes to cooking.

The next two sections are my favorite! Section 5 reads Soups, Sides, and Staples while the last is Desserts. I love Meat Pies, and it reminds me of when my Grandmother made them when she was alive and well. Simon gives a few variations, one I hope to try soon. He also gives a Potato Pancake recipe that I can’t wait to make! I always wanted to make potato pancakes but couldn’t find the right recipe. I tabbed this page instantaneously! And, you better believe, that I will be making his Scalloped Cabbage recipe for Thanksgiving. I had to Google “summer savory” spice is and added it to my shopping list. I think this is my favorite chapter of Pantry and Palate; meals I can make simply and that I know will taste delicious.

I love desserts, but with my food allergies, I only eat them on very special occasions and have my DigestZen from doTERRA on standby. I think the Baked Apple Pudding recipe will be a hit for the holidays. I also have always wanted to experiment with rhubarb and his clear, concise directions make me feel like I can tackle that task.

Simon Thibault

©2017, Photographs by Noah Fecks. All rights reserved. Published by Nimbus Publishing

Pantry and Palate isn’t for those looking for thirty-minute meals, or people who need an illustration with every step. Pantry and Palate would be best for those looking to experience cooking and who want to integrate culture into their meals. When I read Pantry and Palate, I feel like I am holding a distinct piece of Acadian history in my hands. Thank you, Simon, for opening my eyes into a world I didn’t know existed. Pantry to Palate is a cookbook that I certainly cherish and will begin making my tabbed recipes immediately.

Amazon Affiliate link: Click here to purchase Pantry and Palate: Remembering and Rediscovering Acadian Food.

Please visit Simon Thibault’s website here, and follow him on Instagram.



Pantry and Palate by Simon Thibault

My copy of Pantry and Palate by Simon Thibault


Disclosure: Pantry to Palate was sent to me complimentary for review purposes. All opinions within are my own. If you would like your product featured on Realm of Vibes, visit my Contact page or e-mail realmofvibesdg@gmail.com

5 Life-Changing Books

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you click on the picture or link and make a purchase, I will receive a small compensation. 

I am that woman with nine books on her nightstand. I read every night before bed; whether it be a magazine, fiction story, or self-help book. Subjecting myself to someone else’s words calms my mind, and opens my heart. The books listed below have been my go-to reads, especially when I am feeling anxious, unhappy, worried, or upset. I hope they bring you the tranquility that they bring me.

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

I have read The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom four times. The four agreements are:

      • Be impeccable with your word.
      • Don’t take anything personally.
      • Don’t make assumptions.
      • Always do your best.

Don Miguel Ruiz writes based on ancient Toltec wisdom. His words are powerful and have taught me so many great lessons.  I find myself saying, “Always do your best. Your best changes at every given time.” I also find myself speaking more honestly and openly with my words. This book has truly transformed my life by practicing the four agreements and integrating his principles into my life.

Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind by Joyce Meyer

Let me preface this paragraph with the notion that I was raised Italian Catholic, but as I grew older I became more spiritual. I believe in God, but I do not attend formal religious services.

I have had debilitating anxiety in the past, and have to work very hard each day to not return to living a life with panic attacks. When my best friend, Lauren, gave me Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind, I handed it back to her and said, “You know, I’m really not into Christian Living books, Laur. Thanks anyway.” She placed it down on the table and replied, “I think you should read the section on anxiety. I’m giving the book to you. Do with it what you will.”

I have read the chapter titled “An Anxious and Worried Mind” close to one-hundred times. I have highlighted sections and dog-eared the pages. Joyce writes,

“It is impossible to worry and live in peace at the same time.”

I appreciate the biblical references and that Joyce ties them into real-life. For a woman who “wasn’t into” Christian Living books, Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind has a special place on my nightstand.

Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed

I love Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail have read it twice and always refer back to my highlighted sections. Cheryl Strayed words make me feel empowered. She didn’t know what she was going to experience on the PCT. She didn’t have the appropriate gear. She lost her mom. Her marriage had ended. She transformed in the wild. She tackled what seemed impossible. She challenged herself and succeeded. Fear wasn’t a limiting factor.

One of my favorite excerpts:

“I knew that if I allowed fear to overtake me, my journey was doomed. Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story from the one women are told. I decided I was safe. I was strong. I was brave. Nothing could vanquish me.”Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts – Gary Chapman

Gary Chapman explains the five love languages and how knowing our spouses love language can transform a marriage in The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts.

The 5 Love Languages

      • Words of Affirmation
      • Quality Time
      • Receiving Gifts
      • Acts of Service
      • Physical Touch

Can anyone guess what my love language is?

Acts of Service. I appreciate and feel loved when my husband does things without me having to ask him, and when he sees that I am exhausted. I remind him that acts of service are my love language. The funny thing is, acts of service is also his love language. We better get servicing each other to stay happy!

Warrior Goddess Training: Become the Woman You Are Meant to Be by HeatherAsh Amara

I bought this deal on Amazon Prime day and couldn’t be happier. HeatherAsh Amara understands the life of a modern woman. We have so many balls flying in the air that it is impossible to keep them all spinning. The others we may catch, or they might drop. Such is life. Warrior Goddess Training: Become the Woman You Are Meant to Be provides growth, whether spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, you will grow. I loved the questions and reflections she prompts you to complete in the book. I recommend you have a pen and paper to engage with her introspective exercises.

An excerpt: “While we cannot control life, we do have a choice in how we respond to what life brings and how we react.” – HeatherAsh Amara, Warrior Goddess Training: Become the Woman You Are Meant to Be

Final Thoughts

What are your favorite books to read and why? Leave me a comment below!


5 Life-Changing Books

